Home Kuel Thought Leader: Lori Roach
I try to lead a reasonably sustainable lifestyle. I recycle every item I am allowed by county regulations.
Moreover, I often purchase clothing at resale and consignment shops. Reusable water bottles, plastic-free detergents, paperless bills – whatever small steps I can make, I go for. I strive not to own too much stuff and am a ruthless declutterer.
I consistently seek out new ways to be eco-conscious – often that are very simple to implement. If I can build sustainability into my everyday life, I do.
Now that I’m a grandma, I’m even more conscious of my efforts – I want to do my part to leave a better world for my grandson.
“If I can build sustainability into my everyday life, I do.”
Used Coffee Grounds:
For years now, I’ve tossed my used coffee grounds into the pots that hold my indoor plants. Coffee grounds make great fertilizer. Unfortunately, I go through a lot more coffee than I can use up this way. “Enough”! Say the plants.
So I wondered – what else can I do with my daily leftover coffee grounds?
You can imagine how happy I was when I discovered not one but ten creative ways to use leftover coffee grounds. No more tossing them down the disposal (very bad!) or in the trash (not much better!).
Are you, too, searching for ways to lessen your environmental footprint? Try any – or all – of these ideas (#10 is my favorite!)
10 Terrific Ways To Use Your Leftover Coffee Grounds:
1. Fertilizer:
Coffee grounds are an excellent natural fertilizer for plants. They contain several nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth. Add a little water to your grounds and pour it on your houseplants, outdoor plants, and vegetable garden. Great for seedlings, too!
2. Composting:
Coffee grounds are a great addition to compost piles. They are high in nitrogen, which helps to break down organic matter and create nutrient-rich soil. If you have a compost bin, add your grounds. Paper filters can go in the compost bin, too!
3. Pest Control:
Coffee grounds can be used to repel pests like ants, slugs, and snails. Simply sprinkle the grounds around the affected area or create a ring around the base of the plants you want to be insect-free.
4. Body Scrub:
Here’s an indulgent way to make use of coffee grounds. Mix them with a little coconut oil or honey for a moisturizing and invigorating body scrub. Coffee grounds are a natural exfoliant for the skin and will scrub off those dead skin cells as well as any pricey store-bought exfoliant. Just keep them away from your face – they are too abrasive for thin, sensitive skin.
“Coffee grounds can help to absorb unpleasant odors in the fridge or pantry.”
5. Odor Absorber:
Coffee grounds can help to absorb unpleasant odors in the fridge or pantry. Simply place a bowl of coffee grounds in the affected area and let them soak up any bad smells.
6. Clean Tools and Dishware:
Place a few teaspoons of coffee grounds on a thin cleaning rag and use to scour away grease and grime on pots, pans, and utensils. Finish with a thorough rinsing.
7. Hide Furniture Scratches:
Dip a cotton swab into steeped grounds and dab on scratches in dark wood furniture to minimize them. Make sure to test in an inconspicuous area first.
8. Grow Blue Hydrangeas:
Want to turn white or pink hydrangeas a gorgeous shade of blue? Work coffee grounds into the soil at the base of mophead hydrangeas to increase the acidity level, and in time the flowers will become a vibrant blue.
9. Keep Ashes from Blowing Around:
Sprinkle damp grounds on fireplace ashes before sweeping. The damp grounds will cut down on airborne dust and make ashes easier and less messy to sweep up.
10. Make Coffee Liqueur:
This is my favorite way to recycle coffee grounds! Try it and be amazed at how easily you can create your own liqueur to add to cocktails, in coffee, on desserts, and more.
Here Is A No-Fail Recipe For Coffee Liqueur:
- Mix 1 cup of leftover coffee grounds with 1 cup of sugar (white or brown)
- Let sit overnight in refrigerator to blend
- Place mixture in a fine mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth, over a small bowl
- Pour 1 cup hot water slowly into the sieve, allowing the liquid to drain through the grounds and into the bowl
- Add 1 cup of vodka to this liquid – discard the grounds/sugar mixture
- Refrigerate the liquid for at least 24 hours
Drink up and enjoy!
And there you have it – ten easy ways to use up leftover coffee grounds. Who knew environmentalism could be so easy (and tasty)?
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Lori Roach’s professional career has encompassed convention management, corporate training, education administration, and – most important to her – full-time motherhood. As she entered her mid-fifties, she found herself moving to a new city – leaving her friends and job behind just as she became an empty nester. Seeking both purpose and a new challenge, Lori started a blog, CircleSquareOval. Her goal is to help every woman “shape a modern midlife” by focusing on self-discovery, confidence, and connection to the world around them.
A bit of a gypsy at heart, Lori has relocated twenty-two times in her life, making her something of an expert on settling into a new space, unpacking and decorating quickly, and creating a feeling of “home”. She joins Kuel Life as a Home Category Expert.
You can read more from Lori at CircleSquareOval and find her on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest as well.