Midlife Musings: Peggy Bell
Have you stopped recently to notice and appreciate a sunny day or to say hello to the new neighbor across the hall or street?
Have you ever received a random act of kindness or given one to a stranger? If the answer is no, you are not alone.
“We tend to live our lives on autopilot.”
Outside Of The Bubble In Our Life:
The truth is, for most of us, we are consumed in our own world with school, family, relationships, or career. We have very little time to stop and give notice to little else outside of the bubble in which we live. We tend to live our lives on autopilot.
It is easy to take life for granted because our world moves so quickly. Most often, it isn’t until we are jolted into the reality that we begin to take notice of what else life has to offer. It may be due to a health scare, the death of a loved one, or a near highway collision on the way to work.
“Make life a priority now, not later.”
We Only Get A One-Ticket Admission:
Regardless of our busy lives, it benefits us greatly to remember one fact. We only get a one-ticket admission on this ride we call life. There is an expiration date on the ticket but it’s kind of a secret. No one knows the day, the hour, or the minute it will indeed expire.
Make life a priority now, not later. You don’t know how much later you have. Hop aboard your ride of life and make the most of your time while you still can. Use it wisely and experience it fully with eyes and hearts wide open.
“Your smile could be life-changing for them.”
1. See The Beauty In The Obvious:
But, do not forget the little things that go unnoticed. Take in the fragrance of the flowers in bloom as they are given drink by the early morning dew. Notice the artistry of the sky and the clouds that form into recognizable images. Listen to the laughter of children, still so innocent and unaware of the reality of the world around them.
2. Be Kind To Others:
Show a smile to the person you meet. It may be the only smile they receive today. You never know their story or even their struggle. Your smile could be life-changing for them.
3. Help Your Neighbors:
Have you welcomed new ones to the neighborhood? Do you even know their names? Do they know they can count on you in an emergency? It is the neighborly thing to do.
4. Read Often:
Expand your knowledge by reading facts instead of relying on hearsay through gossip or social media. Learn new things because opportunities are endless. It is within the pages of a book where you can find your dreams. Those dreams can one day become your reality.
5. Discover Your Talents:
Don’t be the one who takes their last breath never having used the gifts you were born to share. How sad it would be to waste what you were meant to give. The world waits. Share your talents.
“Learn to agree to disagree, while still showing respect for one another.”
6. Respect Differences Of Opinions And Have Respect For Each Other:
The color of one’s skin, gender, ideas, geographical location, or wealth does not make a person more or less than the other. Learn to agree to disagree, while still showing respect for one another.
7. Model Your Best Behavior Around Children:
Children are born happy and nonjudgmental. It is what they see and what society instills in them that makes them change. Children will remember what they saw from you because actions speak much louder than words.
8. Be Happy For Those Who Achieve Great Things, Because They Make The World A Better Place:
The difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t is that the achievers never gave up. If you fall, get up and try again. Take chances by stepping out of your comfort zone. There is so much more to experience. We benefit from the achievements of others, so why not let others benefit from yours as well.
“Each title, when done well, is a vital piece of the whole.”
9. Work Hard, Do Your Best, And Be Proud Of Your Job, No Matter Your Title:
Each title, when done well, is a vital piece of the whole. From the custodian to the kitchen help, to the CEO, a cohesive atmosphere in the workplace promotes productivity. Within your home you hold a title as well, be it wife, mother, daughter, or something else. Do your job well no matter where you are.
10. Take Time Out Of Your Day To Be Still And Self-Reflect:
Examine your life. If you aren’t happy, then strive to be. Do whatever it takes to change it. If you have hurt someone, apologize. If you aren’t on speaking terms with family members, seek to change it. Be the better person. When you are still and self-reflect, you sometimes get answers you didn’t know you were looking to receive.
11. Stick To Your Ethical And Moral Compass:
As we age, muscles will weaken, wrinkles may appear, but a person’s true character remains faithful. Your character is the person you are when no one is around to observe your actions. Stay on the path of your true north.
“A person who is confident and content is incapable of being jealous of others.”
12. Jealously Is Not Attractive:
Everything you need is inside of you. Look inward and find your treasure. A person who is confident and content is incapable of being jealous of others. If you want more, then what are you waiting for?
13. Learn The Meaning Of Empathy And Practice It Often:
That is where you will experience tolerance and understanding for all humanity. Imagine walking in their shoes for a day or two. Have your feelings and opinions changed by doing so?
Most Importantly, Remember We Don’t Get A Do-over:
Life gives us a one-ticket admission, good only until our last breath. Make an effort to step out of your bubble, turn off autopilot often, and make the most of your time while you still can.
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About the Author:
Peggy Bell is a Midlife Coach for women who want to move forward past loss to find purpose and joy in this new season of life. She is also a public speaker, author, and course creator. She launched her business, Live Your Purpose, after retiring from a forty-year teaching career, just in time for her sixtieth birthday.
Peggy is the author of five books, with her sixth soon to be released. Her work has been published in such places as Thrive Global, Women’s World, and Open to Hope to name a few. Peggy invites you to join her Facebook community.