3 Ways To Help Your Child Decide To Go To College

3 Ways To Help Your Child Decide To Go To College

Kuel Life Featured Images November 2022 3

Kim Muench, Becoming Me Thought Leader

“Help! My son is a senior in high school, a great student, and he’s telling his dad and I, he has no interest in college.”

“Kids absolutely feel their parent’s stress, so it’s important to stay calm.”

We’ve Tried Using College Advisor:

“He says it’s because he doesn’t want to do all the core classes and wants something more streamlined to a profession he’ll love. The problem is he doesn’t know what that profession is…we’ve tried using a college advisor but that didn’t help. We want to support him but worry that he won’t have any plan and since it’s October we feel he’s already behind on having a post-graduation plan. What should we do to help?”

‘Tis the season for parents of seniors who don’t yet have a plan to begin to panic. And let me tell you, I totally understand. There are a few ways you can help your son…and help yourself.

“The most important thing as your son navigates this time in his life is that he understands you love and support him no matter what”

3 Ways To Help Your TeenAged Child:

  1. How many of us knew what we wanted to do at age 18? I know I didn’t. And with the cost of college education, we know that’s an additional stressor to many kids and their parents. Kids absolutely feel their parent’s stress, so it’s important to stay calm. I know, easier said than done, but trust me you don’t want your son feeling additional emotional baggage. Take walks, and deep breaths, you know the drill. 
  2. College Board has several online evaluations your son could take to hone his interests, and more kids than ever are taking a gap year to explore and grow personally before making the commitment to college or a trade program. Also has he thought about going into a trade rather than the traditional 4+ year programming?
  3. It’s not too late, admission at many schools has been lower for obvious reasons since 2019, the deadlines for many colleges are being pushed. 

The Next Step:

The most important thing as your son navigates this time in his life is that he understands you love and support him no matter what his next step is. Having that kind of reassurance is what all our kids need, no matter what stage of life they’re in. Breathe deep Momma, you got this!

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Kim Muench Becoming Me

About the Author:

Kim Muench (pronounced minch, like pinch with an “m”) is a Jai (rhymes with buy) Institute for Parenting Certified Conscious Parenting Coach who specializes in working with mothers of adolescents (ages 10+). Knowing moms are the emotional barometer in their families, Kim is passionate about educating, supporting and encouraging her clients to raise their children with intention and guidance rather than fear and control. Kim’s three plus decades parenting five children and years of coaching other parents empowers her to lead her clients into healthier, happier, more functional relationships with compassion and without judgment. 

You can find out more about her mission and services at www.reallifeparentguide.com. She is on Facebook at Real Life Parent Guide, Instagram, and on LinkedIn as well.