An Easy Way To Manage Your Weight

An Easy Way To Manage Your Weight

Elaine Kuel Life

Kuel Life is excited to share Elaine’s, CoreStrength50Plus, great advice on how to easily manage our weight. Instead of breaking our fast (and, if you are doing intermittent fasting that may range between 14 to 16 hours) with a simple carbohydrate (bread/cereal); break it with protein and a healthy fat. We may even want to dive into last night’s dinner leftovers. A piece of chicken with avocado or eggs and nuts…..  This gives our body fuel but also enables it to continue its process of using fat as an energy source rather than the immediately available simple carbohydrate.
Listen for yourselves below and follow Elaine’s Instagram feed for additional fantastic advice on health and exercise. Not only is what she is saying helpful; I am also a sucker for the way she says it (love me an Aussie accent). And. stay tuned here on Kuel Life – Elaine will be joining us as a Kuel Coach!

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