Becoming Me: One Woman’s Journey Into Being

Becoming Me: One Woman’s Journey Into Being

Kim Muench August 2021

Kim Muench, Becoming Me Expert

Dear Soul Sister, allow me to introduce myself.

If all goes as planned, later this month I will graduate into a 53-year-old woman. Along my life’s journey I have been gifted the good fortune to bring five precious people through my body. As a result of three decades of daily lessons on being “mom”, I decided to put that wisdom to good use. In 2016, I graduated from the Jai Institute for Parenting as a certified conscious parenting coach.

Since that time, I have added to my resume: public speaker, digital t.v. host, and (most recently) Amazon #1 New Release author under the category Parenting/Adult-Child relationships for my Becoming Me While Raising You – A Mother’s Journey to Her Self in category.

Outside My Everyday Life:

“Here, with you, I will explore things other than parenthood.”

In my everyday life, I write and talk a lot about parenting adolescents. My kids, now ages 16-34, have definitely been my greatest teachers. In many ways, they have helped me reparent myself. To date, I would say motherhood has been my most important life’s work.

However, that’s not why I’m here. Here, with you, I will explore things other than parenthood. This space will be reserved for who I am, and who I am becoming outside of being a mother to five.

Because, let’s face it, we cannot be defined by only one aspect of our journey (even if it is the sometimes-all-encompassing role of mother). Kuel Life is giving me an opportunity to get to know myself. To explore who I will be in the latter part of my life aside from a woman who has given birth to and continues to raise five kids. All of whom are all taller than I at this point, so it’s kinda hard to call them kids, lol.

Join Me On This Journey:

“Sharing our life’s experiences is a sure fire way to grow …. to become.”

My entries will appear every other month and through them I intend to explore and expound on growing through my 50s. Who am I? How am I choosing to think, feel, speak, and respond to life as a woman on the second side of her life? Of course, I don’t know what’s to come, because it hasn’t been downloaded through me yet…but I have a good feeling it will be interesting!

I will tell you this, I am a hell of a lot more courageous at fifty than I was a twenty, thirty, or even forty. Thank God. I’m also more open-minded, easy-going, and funny (if I do say so myself). Let’s see where courage, truth, vulnerability, and humor take me.

Looking forward to becoming more of me as I write for you. And, my hope is that if you choose to follow me through this journey, you too will become more of you along the way. Sharing our life’s experiences is a sure fire way to grow …. to become. Let’s do this together.

Check back in October for my first installment of Becoming Me!

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Kim Muench Becoming Me

About the Author:

Kim Muench (pronounced minch, like pinch with an “m”) is a Jai (rhymes with buy) Institute for Parenting Certified Conscious Parenting Coach who specializes in working with mothers of adolescents (ages 10+). Knowing moms are the emotional barometer in their families, Kim is passionate about educating, supporting and encouraging her clients to raise their children with intention and guidance rather than fear and control. Kim’s three plus decades parenting five children and years of coaching other parents empowers her to lead her clients into healthier, happier, more functional relationships with compassion and without judgment. 

You can find out more about her mission and services at She is on Facebook at Real Life Parent Guide, Instagram, and on LinkedIn as well.