Beauty In And Out: Sheryl Wilson
Lookin ’good!!! Tighter around the jawline, volume back in those cheeks, upper lip nice and smooth and lips more plump and pouty, bags under the eyes gone, neck chords, well wait a minute, what neck chords?!!!
Wow wow, and may I say once again, WOW!!!!
“I feel pretty, oh so pretty! It’s alarming how pretty I feel! Oh so pretty, that I hardly can believe I’m real”!!!
Okay, so I borrowed a few lyrics from West Side Story! The point is, it all looks good in the mirror and then………..a few months roll around, perhaps about three and you are starting to look more “real”, as the song states! Where did that fresh first day of treatment look go? What is happening?!! Well, there are several answers to that question!
“You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers!”
The Number One Reason – Life:
Not sleeping well, not getting enough exercise, because you are just too busy with LIFE, stressed out emotionally, and physically. You were just put on a new med for a new medical condition; hormones continue to diminish on a daily basis.
You are eating too much sugar! Your event schedule has been crazy, and your diet is not so great. Your new bestie is a smoker and you’ve been around her a lot. Oh, a little too much alcohol this week! Out on the beach all day with friends! You are getting free radical (oxidation of the skin) damage right on top of your brand-new cosmetic procedure. Oh no! Monies spent, yet results fading!
What Do You Do?
You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers! Make a personalized in-depth consultation appointment with your favorite skincare line and get an Individualized skincare program targeted to your skin concerns, in combination with a custom science-based supplement program, based on your lifestyle.
“No shortcuts! It means having a plan and a plan that is customized just for your skin and health care needs.”
Bottom line, what you see when you look in the mirror; lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, large pores, dry patches, excessive oil, acne, sagging jowl line, and expression lines around the mouth and eyes, is the absolute reflection of what is going on from the inside.
Point Of Cosmetic Procedure:
The following is necessary to incorporate after the treatment you have just had, not just the aftercare package they provide you!
What is the point of getting a cosmetic procedure if it doesn’t last past a few short months? In addition, thoughtful consideration is needed for your supplement life versus, “Oh I only need them, when I feel like I’m getting sick” or “I’ll just take some Vitamin C”. No shortcuts! It means having a plan and a plan that is customized just for your skin and health care needs.
How To Care For Your Skin Post-Procedure:
Post-procedure, please be sure to follow the advice of your healthcare practitioner. Once your skin has healed and your doctor advises that you are ready for your daily skincare routine, here are some very helpful tips to follow:
“Hydration and nourishment will help remove toxins from your body and keep your skin young!”
Rest, rest, rest!!! When your doctor gives you the thumbs up, you’ll want to use a very gentle cleanser and then apply a highly hydrating and soothing anti-oxidant moisturizing cream. I know just the one! Very important next steps: Water is the best option for keeping hydrated! However, it is definitely advised to get additional vitamins and nutrients into your system. Hydration and nourishment will help remove toxins from your body and keep your skin young!
Avoid heat, vigorous exercise, and sun exposure. Drink tons of water and return to an antioxidant, hydrating skin care program with environmental protectors (SPFs). Ask your practitioner for advice as to when you may cleanse and moisturize post-procedure and when you get the okay resume your hydrating, anti-aging, and protective skin care program.
Most definitely resume your Skin Care Plan! Confirm with your practitioner that you may still use the same cleansers, exfoliants, moisturizers, and sun protection you have always used. Make sure these are the kind of products that won’t harm your Botox results but will enhance your results.
“Make sure you ask your practitioner when you can have sun exposure..”
The skin’s barrier is more vulnerable and susceptible to external, ultraviolet, and bacteria that can result in pigmentation and infection, if not taken care of properly. After the cosmetic procedure, your practitioner most likely will prescribe a calming gel such as Arnica, a soothing hydrating moisturizer, and sun protection. No exfoliants!
No direct sunlight. Seek the practitioner’s advice as to how long, as it could cause hyperpigmentation or dark spots at the place of your incisions! Once healed, resume with a complete anti-aging skin care personalized program and customized supplementation.
Make sure you ask your practitioner when you can have sun exposure and when you may use exfoliants. Once your practitioner gives you the okay that it is safe, it will be vital to begin to return to a healthy skin care program and supplement program; one containing powerful anti-oxidants to resist aging, with deep penetrating hydration properties and sun protection!
Now Relax And Enjoy!
Once the path is clear to resuming a daily skin care program, with the plan of extending your positive cosmetic procedures results, consult a trusted skin care specialist to personalize that plan, targeted just for your skin’s particular needs! Make your new beauty last and prevent spending on procedures again pre-maturely! Success! You did it!!! Now relax and enjoy!
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About the Author:
Sheryl is the National Beauty Expert, Director of Education and Spokesperson for Clientele Skin Care and MDR Health Supplements. She has enjoyed a 41-year relationship with Clientele and is so proud to share the science behind youthifying the skin from the inside out, at any age!
Clientele Skin Care and MDR Health (its sister company) is Woman Founded by Patricia Riley Creator and CEO. Dr. Riley is a Biochemist with her background In Nutrition. Sheryl is also a newlywed of almost three years to a “gift from God” Husband, has 3 fabulous felines and is also a Praise and Worship Leader, Concert Performer and Recording Artist! A professional in-depth skin care and supplement consultation with an expert is KEY to target the best possible program, personalized just for you. Let’s talk! Sheryl Wilson. 800 327-4660, EXT 5709 or