Career Kuel Category Expert: Gayle Petrillo
Did you know research shows that employees with mentors are promoted six times more often than those without a mentor?
I’ve been fortunate throughout my career in healthcare leadership, to have had some wonderful coaches and mentors.
Do You Need A Mentor Or A Coach?
What’s the difference you ask and how can you benefit from one?
“Coaching is outcome focused in the short-term.”
No matter where you are in career development, and whether you work within an organization or are an entrepreneur, most of us draw some benefit from having either or both.
A coach is someone who you might be assigned to you. Or, someone you seek out if you need support in a specific area. This individual can help you focus on a particular part of business, your role, or a needed improvement. A coach drives the meeting sessions and evaluates your progress. Coaching is outcome focused in the short-term.
A mentor relationship typically is for a longer period of time. Your relationship with a mentor is more personalized and non-evaluative. A mentor is a cheerleader for you. This person can help you identify your skill sets and how they are transferable.
Why Choose A Mentor?
When might it be helpful to reach out to a mentor? We all experience major life changes. If you are struggling with a situation, mentors are people who generally are in that same or similar situation or environment. For instance, if you are transitioning back into the work arena following the birth of a baby, been downsized, or desire moving into another role.
Mentors are ‘safe’ people who can answer your questions. They can role play with you for upcoming difficult conversations.
Finding A Mentor:
How do you find a mentor? They are all around you. It may be someone within your organization or community. Or, a volunteer to assist with a project or event. If there is a company or position you want to know more about, ask someone already there. LinkedIn is a good resource, particularly in this virtual world in which we find ourselves. It is known, that most successful people are interested in helping others. And, everyone likes to talk about themselves, their roads to success, and sometimes, even their failures.
Might You BE A Mentor?
Mentoring provides gratification knowing you are sharing valuable knowledge and/or insight. When your career has taken you to the next level or plateaued, you may receive recognition for mentoring a fledgling.
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Gayle Petrillo is President of First Impressions, Image Consulting. Gayle is an image consultant working with both businesses and individuals. Her services include: customer service training; team building skills; secret shopper services; gossip avoidance techniques; closet analysis; wardrobe transformations, personal shopping; employment coaching; and presentation skills.