Big Life Kuel Life Thought Leader: Bethany Clemenson
Are you ready to notice and overcome your BS stories?
We all have them, they are BFF’s with our beliefs. With 50-70K thoughts a day (depending on what study you reference) it is impossible to filter every thought you have. Today, I am showing you a way to begin noticing when your story is leading you down to a negative place and how to turn it around. This simple practice is a game-changer because our goal is to feel good enough of the time that we notice when we don’t feel good.
Up Or Down The Stairs?
“Choose good enough. It is life changing.”
Take a few minutes, watch this straightforward way for us to choose good enough. It is life changing. When we practice mindfulness, we become more familiar with ourselves and with our thoughts and our patterns. Getting to know our critical inner voices can help us change the pattern of negative self-talk. Then, we can then choose to steer our minds away from these thoughts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see our thoughts as mere clouds passing in the sky? We can stand firm, knowing we are good enough, and allow them to float by without letting them take over or influence our behavior.
Learn How:
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About the Author:
A little over a decade ago, Bethany found herself in a place where on the outside it looked like she was killing it but on the inside, it was killing her. She had climbed the corporate ladder and was an award-winning leader in the company. She and her husband had built their dream home. They had two healthy children and were financially thriving. Behind the scenes, Bethany worked 80 plus hours a week, was on-call 24/7, and traveled regularly. She and her family were disconnected and she felt exhausted, unfulfilled, resentful, and frustrated. A different path was needed.
Clemenson left her corporate role. Now, as a dual certified coach and international speaker, Bethany serves individuals who are ready for a transition. She guides and supports them to let go of what is not serving them so they can get the results they want and live their Big Life – On Their Terms! Follow Bethany on IG for more uplifting content.