Grief Is Inevitable – Meet Lisa Michelle Zega Kuel Life’s Grief Thought Leader

Grief Is Inevitable – Meet Lisa Michelle Zega Kuel Life’s Grief Thought Leader

Lisa Michelle Zega Images September 2022

Lisa Michelle Zega is a Life Coach for Midlife Women of faith who are starting over after the death of a spouse or a divorce and are struggling with sadness and self-doubt.

Grief is inevitable. There is no real age for it – we can experience it at any stage in life. That said, as we age and those around us age we are destined to experience more loss. The inevitable passing of our parents, the loss of a spouse, or even the ending of a career. Grief is a part of the human condition.

I met Lisa Michelle through the chat-only app, Clubhouse. After hearing her speak on the subject many times, I approached her about joining the roster of Kuel Life Thought Leaders. Luckily, she said, YES!. Lisa Michelle writes regularly on the subject providing our Community with much needed insights, love, and acceptance of grief.

Welcome Lisa Michelle Zega to Kuel Life.

KUELLIFE: What type of business do you own/run?

Lisa Michelle: I am a Life Coach and specialize in helping women assimilate Grief as Love. 

“I work through this by identifying my fears and the thoughts they are generating.”

KUELLIFE:  What prompted you or drove you to become an entrepreneur? When?

Lisa Michelle: Choosing to go into business for myself was me choosing me and committing to go all in on myself and have my own back from now until my last breath. I gave notice the day after I turned 50 (almost two years ago), recognizing that I give my life to that which I give my time. 

KUELLIFE: What’s your biggest struggle?

Lisa Michelle: Trusting myself as a business owner who figures it out and continues. This struggle continues to lead me to the comfort of Jesus who gives me life. And breath. And everything else. This journey has grown my faith in unimaginable ways.

Identifying Fears:

KUELLIFE: What is your biggest fear as an entrepreneur? How do you work through it? 

Lisa Michelle: My biggest fear is that I will not create an income that provides for the needs of myself and my family. I work through this by identifying my fears and the thoughts they are generating.

“I allow my feelings AND ask myself what I want to feel.”

I allow my feelings AND ask myself what I want to feel. Then, I ask myself what I need to know in my bones, on a cellular level, to experience the desired feelings. This inevitably leads me to truths that I am loved, provided for, safe, belong, etc.. I look for evidence in my life to strengthen my belief and I work from that energy. Each day reveals new faces of my fears and invites a version of this process. 

A Unique Call:

KUELLIFE: How do you measure your success? 

Lisa Michelle: I measure success by the lives I am impacting, alignment with my gifts and calling, growth as a person, the embodiment of what I do, and financial growth.

KUELLIFE: Finally, what advice would you give other women about taking an entrepreneurial path? 

Lisa Michelle: The fears, doubts, challenges, and all “the things” don’t disqualify you. In fact, they are forming and revealing you and your unique call. These challenges are providing your credentials and proof that you are AWAKE and LIVING.

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