Holiday Plans, Change, And Expectations

Holiday Plans, Change, And Expectations

holiday plans, celebrations

Midlife Myths & Realities: Andrea M. Slominski, Ph.D.

One of the many changes women face as they age is the shifting perspectives and priorities of family and friends during the Holidays.

List For Holiday Plans, Dinners, And Celebrations:

This holds true for women with children and women without children. Moms who raised kids that left the nest to create their own lives may now find themselves at the bottom of the list for holiday plans, dinners, and celebrations. Similarly, women who did not raise children may find their social circles getting smaller as family and friends retire, move, or change their social habits.

“If you were always the party planner and the coordinator of holiday festivities, this can be a tough adjustment.”

If you were always the party planner and the coordinator of holiday festivities, this can be a tough adjustment. This year, I have begun to understand why my dad always planned to have us at his home on Dec 26th. It allowed us to go to the various family events on the actual holiday, have the traditional Christmas celebration, AND…. he got to have us all together for an entire day in his home and spend an entire relaxing day together as a family.

Last On The List:

The holidays have gotten so complicated. I have to admit, I don’t like being last on the list year after year, but I’m adjusting. This December, my daughter is flying for SW Airlines and will likely be working Christmas week.

We don’t know what day we will be celebrating Christmas! I do know one thing, I will soak in all the time we have together, whatever day it is, like a dry sponge. I know my dad is watching and smiling. Eleven years after we lost him on Christmas Day, I am still growing, learning from my mistakes, embracing no expectations, and focusing on the love.

Here’s to enjoying our holiday, no matter where we are on the list.

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Andrea Slominski

About the Author:

Andrea M. Slominski, Ph.D., is an author, speaker, and women’s midlife coach. During her dissertation research and study, she explored the new life stage for women that has emerged over the past 100 years.

Naming this new life stage, from ages 45-70, Regency, Dr. A. has spoken at conferences, published articles, and coached women to make the most of their emerging power years. Dr. A. guides women 45+ through the often-tumultuous transformations during perimenopause, midlife, and menopause. She uses tools that include creativity, story, mythology, imagination, ceremony, and ritual. If you need support for your Regency years, including all the changes of midlife and menopause, I’m here for you. Email me at