Letting Go Can Lead Us to Genius

Letting Go Can Lead Us to Genius


Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli

Often, we have the idea that letting go means the loss of something valued. This implies that there might be grief and pain involved.

Out of fear we envision ourselves in some barren emotional wilderness, with nothing around that is familiar so there has to be that dreaded chaos, right?

And who wants that?

But what if letting go lead us to brilliance? To our own personal freedom of expression? What if this is Life’s way of steering our personal growth in a manner where we display our best talents?

Letting go could mean opening up.


Yes, all the notes are there and in the right place, but… something is missing. Have you ever heard a musician or singer who is technically perfect – but there seems to be no soul? No felt connection to the audience?

There is no grab at my heart. I could just as well be chopping carrots in the kitchen for soup. It’s just routine, and maybe I should have bought a bag of frozen carrots instead.

I always know when I hear someone “Who’s got it.” My eyes well up and I can’t reign it in. That’s my validation signature.

Chills on my arms, my eyes are glued to the performer and I am transported. The artist has whisked me away, and I want to go.

It could be a jazz singer who scats, a sax player having a riff, or Billy Joel hitting the high notes for Christy Lee.

They let go and have entered “The Zone.”


Ok, here’s another example.

We have all seen outfielders throw their bodies at a fly ball just to catch that thing. Or a basketball player speed down a court and ram a ball into a basket. Ballerinas, ice skaters, skateboarders spin incomprehensibly – how can a physical body DO that?

Maybe as a skier you have caught air and you know that sensation of flight for yourself.

That’s my point.

To let go, is to leave the ground and enter genius territory.

Fear And Contraction From Letting Go:

When we begin to learn something new – cooking, Latin dancing, painting on canvas, surfing – there are basics. We learn the techniques, the rules, the boundaries. And then to develop proficiency, we leave them behind.

For something to catch attention and inspire, we must become the instrument through which Life plays.
If we don’t have faith and instead we tighten up, we fall off the surfboard.
If we don’t trust our instincts, our canvas will look like we “painted by number.” The end product appears lifeless.
Latin dancers draw one in with their passion, right? And food always tastes better when it’s made with love.
Fear contracts us, restricting both our movements and our mind. It tells us we cannot fly.
We’ll never hit those high notes for Christy Lee until we let go.

What better motivation do we need?

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About the Author:

Akaisha Kaderli and her husband, Billy, are recognized retirement experts and internationally published authors on topics of finance, medical tourism and world travel. With the wealth of information that they share on their award winning website RetireEarlyLifestyle.com, they have been helping people achieve their own retirement dreams since 1991. They wrote the popular books, The Adventurer’s Guide to Early Retirement and Your Retirement Dream IS Possible available on their website bookstore or on Amazon.com.