Meditation Monday: Enhance Your Creativity

Meditation Monday: Enhance Your Creativity

Kuel Life Featured Images January 2022 8

Gratitude Expert: Lori Saitz

This Meditation Monday: Enhance Your Creativity

In this meditation, we explore and enhance your creativity. People often claim they’re not creative. Sometimes it is because they think of creativity in one very specific way – like the artistry of Picasso or Monet.

The truth is, everyone is creative in some way or another. And you probably use your creativity almost every day.

Aside from our typical notions of creativity: art, hobbies, music, etc., we all possess creative attributes that enable us to solve life’s problems and make decisions. Creativity can show up to help us navigate a different route that gets us to the same destination. Yes, we mean that metaphorically, as well as, literally.

Today’s guided meditation is designed to tap into your creative forces. They are there.

If there’s a specific topic you’d like to explore in a meditation, please let me know. Simply send me an email to with the subject line “meditation idea.”

This Monday’s Meditation:  Enhance Your Creativity

Looking For More?

Lori Saitz shares her guided meditations with our Kuel Life Members every other Monday. You can find her treasure of meditations here.


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Lori Saitz Gratitude Expert

About the Author:

Lori Saitz loves sharing the power of gratitude and meditation with entrepreneurial professionals who hire her to help them boost business success and achieve life goals faster – without working harder. She is the CEO of Zen Rabbit, host of the podcast “FINE is a 4-Letter Word,” and a sought-after speaker. When she’s not working, you can find Lori in the weight room at the gym, because she also loves baking and eating. See more at the Zen Rabbit website and connect with her on LinkedIn.