Meet Our Queen Of Shoes – Lisa Loyet Schmitz

Meet Our Queen Of Shoes – Lisa Loyet Schmitz

Lisa Loyet Schmitz Interview Images December 2022

Lisa Loyet Schmitz knows SHOES! And we LOVE shoes. It’s a perfect marriage.

I met Lisa at a conference in 2019 where I spoke. She was there representing her company, Walking Cradles. Throughout the weekend I became smitten with Lisa as I heard her speak and watched her maneuver her way around promoting her amazing shoe brand. I also fell for her brand, Walking Cradles. By the end of the weekend I knew I needed to have Lisa as a part of Kuel Life.

You can read all of Lisa’s informative and fun shoe advice and tips right here!  You can also shop her shoes and with a special code (KUEL15) you can get a discount – ALWAYS.

Take a moment and learn more about our very own Shoe Fashion Thought Leader: Lisa Loyet Schmitz.

KUELLIFE: What type of business do you run/work for?

Lisa Working With Walking Cradles:

Lisa: Walking Cradles is a women’s shoe manufacturer. We design, produce and sell comfortable, yet stylish shoes in sizes 4-13; Narrow, Medium, Wide and Wide-Wide widths.

“Walking Cradles is a small company and our employees are dedicated to its success.”

KUELLIFE: What prompted you or drove you to join your company – what keeps you there?

Lisa: I had worked with Walking Cradles on a freelance basis for many years prior to a succession plan being implemented. Under the leadership of the new president in 2015, I was asked to join the company as the full-time Director of Marketing and Creative Development.

What keeps me here is a true passion for the product. Walking Cradles is a small company and our employees are dedicated to its success. As a team, we have not only built business, but personal relationships and work together to continue to produce and sell what we believe is the best shoe brand on the market today!

Limited Financial Resources:

KUELLIFE: What’s your biggest struggle?

Lisa: Limited financial resources. Again, as a small company, we are a small fish in a large ocean when it comes to shoe brands. We utilize our marketing and advertising dollars as frugally as possible and love every opportunity to meet customers as we know that word-of-mouth is still the best way to gain exposure and spread the word!

KUELLIFE: What is your biggest fear about your career? How do you work through it? 

Lisa: My biggest fear would also stem from working for a small, privately owned company. If something were to happen that we would lose some major accounts, our company could possibly be forced to liquidate and close.

“Success can be measured in several ways.”

We found through COVID that we were able to really come together and get through a really tough time, so hopefully clearing that hurdle is a good sign that we are a team that can persevere. And, in reality, at age 55 I would worry about finding another job that I love as much as this one.

Measuring Success:

KUELLIFE: How do you measure your success? 

Lisa: That is a very thought-provoking question. Success can be measured in several ways. In looking at the company as a whole, success is measured daily by sales vs. returns – we want to sell shoes and don’t want them to be returned.

We also look at success by how our objectives are being met. We are trying hard to educate women at a younger age that wearing the right size shoes and the right kind of shoes are important for your overall health – now and in the future. In reviewing demographic information about our customers, we can see when these efforts are successful.

On a personal growth level, I measure success by the morale of our team. Having enthusiastic, open-minded, motivated individuals in place goes a long way in creating opportunities for success.

Be Happy And Thrive!

KUELLIFE: Finally, what career advice would you give other women in midlife and beyond?

Lisa: Do what makes you happy and you will be successful. Loving your job and believing in the product and/or services it provides is incredibly important. Overall, stand up for yourself, let yourself be heard, allow others the opportunity to recognize the value you bring.

If you don’t think you are bringing value to the company where you work, or you dread going to work – go find another job. You owe it to yourself to be happy and thrive!

SPECIAL NOTE: You can use KUEL15 for a special discount.

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