Need A Boost In Self-Confidence?

Need A Boost In Self-Confidence?

Gayle Petrillo July 2023 2

Career Kuel Thought Leader: Gayle Petrillo

As a career and confidence coach, I love tapping into other coaches’ talents to improve my own relationship with self-confidence because it serves to help my clients as well.

With my book having been launched just over a year ago, I’ve been lucky enough to have been invited to speak at bookstores, book clubs, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs, girl scout troops, grade schools, and more.

The Perfect Choice:

Recently, while back in Upstate New York to attend our granddaughter’s high school graduation, I was invited to do a book reading/signing at a local book store, The Book House. We were staying with friends and two nights prior to the event, I was sitting on the sofa, having just finished a great novel and seeking something else to read, I spotted a book on their coffee table. I picked it up and read it in about two hours.

Well, reading is one of my favorite hobbies, fiction, non-fiction, all. Turns out Presence Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy was a perfect choice. She is known as the high priestess of self-confidence and I had not been aware of her prior to this. Serendipitously, her words were timely and helped boost my self-confidence that evening.

“I posed, felt gratitude and excitement versus fear, dread and wonder what others might think.”

Her Ted-Talk is, if not the most viewed, certainly in the top five or 10 most popular. The timing couldn’t have been better. Her reminders of focusing on the power pose (think of Super Woman), and sharing her research on how adopting high-power poses can change our hormone levels and make us feel more confident and less stressed, which in turn has a positive impact on our success and well-being, especially as women.

Confidence-Building Strategies:

Prior to my approaching the podium, in front of 30+ family, friends (some from as far back as high school [some 50 years ago], former neighbors and others. I posed, felt gratitude and excitement versus fear, dread and wonder what others might think.

That day, I spoke with such confidence that several in my audience, including a former television anchor, and current actress and coach, shared accolades I had not received in the past. I was walking on air for hours following my speaking engagement.

Already I have shared this book with my daughter, granddaughter, mastermind group and others. If you aren’t familiar with Amy Cuddy, I urge you to check out her confidence-building strategies. Read and share Presence Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges with those you live and work with, as well as every female you run across. They will thank you for boosting their self-confidence.

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About the Author:

Gayle Petrillo is President of First Impressions, Image Consulting. Gayle is an image consultant working with both businesses and individuals. Her services include: customer service training; team building skills; secret shopper services; gossip avoidance techniques; closet analysis; wardrobe transformations, personal shopping; employment coaching; and presentation skills.