Guest Blogger: Akaisha Kaderli
OPEN is a GREAT word to work with, and another one which will change your life.
If you have followed the thread about the Power of the word FUN!, you will realize that your mind will look for what you program it to find.
In our day-to-day lives, we are bombarded with negativity. When the economy is good, it COULD get bad or it won’t last long, and if it’s bad, it’s going to get worse. There are possible wars, politics, and end-of-the-world scenarios of one sort or another almost every day.
This barrage of stuff – most over which we have no personal control – tends to make us close down and feel constricted.
Constricting feelings in our lives express as depression, lack of joy, anxiety, fear, loneliness, frustration, anger or even headaches, stomach aches, and insomnia!
OPEN is a word we can say to ourselves as a gentle reminder “Open. Open.”- or as a chant “Open, open, open, open” or even “OHHHH-pen. OHHHHHH-pen. Deep breath in, then out…. OHHHHHHHHH-pen.”
Try breathing the word OPEN in and out of the center of your chest area, as if from your heart. This can be VERY effective.
Of course, you can always sing one of these words that I suggest. Sing it to one of your favorite songs! Dancing to OPEN is also super. Get Silly!
We as humans are built for movement and for growth. Constriction is painful – emotionally or physically. So, saying the word OPEN can relax your mind, body and emotions. Your mind will get into the place of “allowing” wonderful things to come to you.
Say OPEN when you are feeling overwhelmed or emotionally tight. Say OPEN when the line in the grocery is long, or the traffic is stuck. Say OPEN when you are angry or afraid. Say OPEN the first thing in the morning as you begin your day. Say OPEN when you are waiting for the next shoe to drop.
OPEN to the possibilities all around you
OPEN to a suggestion someone is making
OPEN to a different way of seeing
OPEN to a solution instead of conflict
OPEN to forgiveness
OPEN to a new way of expressing yourself
OPEN to finding a hidden talent
OPEN to making new friendships
OPEN to moving on
OPEN to letting go
OPEN to your personal growth
You can also say to yourself: “My world changes in all sorts of beneficial ways and expressions. I am OPEN to Flow and Grow! Everything always works out for me, because I am OPEN to change.”
Let me know how this word OPEN works for you. I just love using it, as wonder-filled surprises always come to me when I do.
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