Pivot Queen Hayley Foster Joins Kuel Life

Pivot Queen Hayley Foster Joins Kuel Life

Hayley Foster January 19 2022

Hayley grew her first company, Verge, to over $5M in revenues, earning accolades from Entrepreneur magazine as a “fastest-growing company” and landing on the Inc. 5000 list for three years.

We, at Kuel Life, are thrilled and proud to have her join the roster of Kuel Life Category Experts. Hayley will be inspiring and teaching us on ways to navigate our Mid-Life Pivot(s). Yeah, we can have many pivots during this incredible season of life.

Welcome Hayley Foster to Kuel Life.

KUELLIFE: What type of business do you own/run?

Hayley: I have a coaching business that I started 7 years ago after going through my own 12 year struggle of starting and growing a business.

“I came out of the womb as an entrepreneur.”

KUELLIFE:  What prompted you or drove you to become an entrepreneur? When?

Hayley: It’s been in me since I was born. I always say, I came out of the womb as an entrepreneur. I was a bossy kid, always organizing things and helping others. Honestly, I was the busy work kid.

When I started working in corporate America, I didn’t like the hierarchy of the advertising world and being the employee that was always first one in and last one out, I wanted to see that reflected in my paycheck. I knew that working for someone else would never allow me the financial freedom and creative freedom that I wanted.

I also loved being in control (slightly Type A – lol) of basically everything and when you work for someone else, you can’t do that. So at 30 I started my first official business – a promotional products company that we morphed into a design and manufacturing company, office in NY, LA and China. Over 12 years, and lots of ups and downs, we managed to bring in over $5M in revenue.

Staying away from shiny objects:

KUELLIFE: What’s your biggest struggle?

“When you have an entrepreneurial brain, it’s so easy to want to build something new or start a new project before you finish the last.”

Hayley: Staying away from shiny objects. I preach all the time about ‘finding your focus’ because I know how easy it is these days to get distracted. When you have an entrepreneurial brain, it’s so easy to want to build something new or start a new project before you finish the last. I’ve done it a few times over the last seven years and now I have to make a conscious decision to stay the course.

The sweet spot of success:

KUELLIFE: What is your biggest fear as an entrepreneur? How do you work through it? 

Hayley: I fear that I won’t find the sweet spot of success. The place where I can work less, make more money, and do more of what I love to do. I love working! I love what I do but there are days where my plate is still full but I have to throw in the towel. When you love what you do, it’s easy to just keep on working and not shut it down.

KUELLIFE: How do you measure your success? 

“When you do what you love, you never feel like it’s work.”

Hayley: I measure my success in the success of others. When I work with clients, helping them achieve their goals and get to their next level, it makes me feel that I’ve done my job. It’s a feeling of accomplishment that I wouldn’t trade for anything.

KUELLIFE: Finally, what advice would you give other women about taking an entrepreneurial path? 

Hayley: When you do what you love, you never feel like it’s work. Find what you love and do it. Success will not come overnight but if you stay the course, follow your path, eventually it will come. Be patient. Stay focused. Maintain a positive mindset. Today is the first day of the rest of your life so make it count.


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