Stuck In Your Style? Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Get Unstuck

Stuck In Your Style? Here Are 10 Tips To Help You Get Unstuck

getting unstuck with your style

Beauty & Fashion Kuel Thought Leader: Gail Scott

Have you ever walked by a mirror and asked yourself, “Who is that”?  Or maybe you wake up feeling like you no longer know who you even are.

“During midlife, we often experience an awakening and a return to our authentic selves, and that often includes our style.”

Our Authentic Selves:

Many midlife women feel this exact way. I hear it again and again from my style clients. For years, we’ve been told who to be, how to dress, how to live, yada, yada, yada. In this season we may realize we have been dressing for situations and daily activities that are not our current life. Or worse, we realize that in worrying about how everyone else in our family looked, we have neglected ourselves. During midlife, we often experience an awakening and a return to our authentic selves, and that often includes our style.

So, if you realize that how you look on the outside does not match how you feel on the inside, what can you do about it?

Change it!

10 Tips To Get Unstuck In Your Style:

1. Reflect On Who You Were:

Spend some time reflecting on who you were before life happened. What were you like as a child? What things did you enjoy? How did you envision yourself as an adult? I have found that in this season, a visit with the little girl inside of me often reveals the truest parts of me. For instance, I realized that I loved playing with paper dolls and dressing my Barbies as a young child. Now I do it virtually! Even though my family was not into fashion or style, I recognized that I always was and that is part of who I truly am.

2. Make A List:

Make a list of words that describe how you want to look. This may include words like stylish, edgy, classic, trendy, or athletic. Magazines or Pinterest Pins may be helpful for this exercise. Also, ask yourself if you desire to be noticed for your style from across the room, or do you just want your good style to be noticed up close? Or perhaps you don’t need or want either, you only want to dress for how it makes you feel. Identifying your best descriptors will help you understand if you’ve been stuck in your style choices.

“Beside the event or situation, describe the type of dress that it calls for.”

3. How You Want To Feel:

Make a list of how you want to feel in your clothing. This list may include words like confident, authoritative, free, comfortable, or successful.

4. Inventory Your Activities:

Write down the activities that you get dressed for, broken down into daily, weekly, monthly, and occasional lists. Note any upcoming special events. This way you can see what you dress for the most. Beside the event or situation, describe the type of dress that it calls for. This will help you understand if you have been stuck in your style choices wearing the same thing to all types of events?

5. Keep An Open Mind:

Walk into your closet with an objective and open mind. Ask yourself, does this look like a closet that would belong to the real me? If not, take notes on who the closet does feel like it would belong to. Then compare back to your notes from #4 and ask if your current wardrobe meets your needs for your lifestyle. If not, what needs to change?

6. Account For Your Current Measurements:

Take your current measurements. Then ask yourself if you are dressing for those numbers in both size and cut. This will help get you un-stuck in your style.

7. Take Some Photos:

Take some in a bathing suit or yoga wear so that you can really see your body. Then take some in outfits that you wear often. Make notes on how you feel in each of the pics. There have been times in my life when I have worn an outfit over and over only to finally see myself in a pic wearing it, which sent me into shock and horror. This exercise will reveal how you really look in your current clothing.

“Studying color will also help you to better understand how to put outfits together.”

8. Get A Professional Color Analysis:

Knowing the best colors to wear and why is key to building a successful and cohesive wardrobe. You can save a lot of money and look your best by being armed with this information. Studying color will also help you to better understand how to put outfits together. I’ll give a shameless plug for here. This system is not based on seasons and really helps women not only know what their colors are but also understand why those are their best colors. YCS also offers analyses in different price ranges, so there is an option for everyone.

9. Hire A Stylist, If Needed:

Some of us are born with a natural sense of style and color, some of us are not. In the same way that some of you have gifts and talents that enable you to sew, cook, build buildings, or heal sick people, some of us have gifts that allow us to envision how you can look your best.

Stylists are not just for the wealthy or celebrities. There are different types of stylists with very different clientele and ways of working. Some stylists only work with people for special events, some help average women build a wardrobe, and everywhere in between. There are plenty who will help you to find your personal style and create a wardrobe around it. Look for the stylist that fits you. Now that doesn’t mean she shares your style.

A stylist is to give you your style, not hers. Interview them and find out how they work and their pricing structure and terms (there are stylists at all price points). Working with a stylist can save you money and stress, as they can help you find the right pieces and complete the big picture of having a cohesive and functional wardrobe.

10. Use A Full-Length Mirror:

Purchase a full-length mirror and use it. Full length allows you to really see proportion in an outfit. Taking a good look at your fashion choices will help you get un-stuck in your style choices.

Okay, there you go, 10 tips to get unstuck and find your midlife style! Here’s to looking your best in this amazing season of life and dressing as your authentic self.

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Gail Scott

About the Author:

Gail is the Beauty & Fashion Editor for
As a 28 year veteran in the beauty industry, she is passionate about helping women to look their best and to express themselves in their outward appearance. She is also co-host of the Midlife Moxie podcast, available on all major platforms. Find Gail on IG: @gailsscott
Email:  If you would like more help with makeup application, check out Gail’s course on For some of her favorite beauty products (many used in these looks), click here.