Money Kuel Category Expert: Melissa Ternes
Women help, it’s what we do. We love, we nurture, we care for, we take care of, we go, we do it all.
One of the main reasons women get stuck with money and finances is we don’t love, nurture, and take care of our money and finances. We don’t do what we do best with our money.
“Asking for help is opposite, contrary, and for others. Not us for us, we’ve got this. Until we don’t.”
Next Level Of Independence:
We have been taught to be independent which in many regards is a great thing. Until it’s not. Asking for help is opposite, contrary, and for others. Not for us, we’ve got this. Until we don’t.
There are countless reasons why women have been reluctant to ask for or get help with money. Everything from feeling like they should know it already, to not wanting to ask for help, to fear, or shame or guilt. Not to mention the ever-popular, “what will people think”, or “I can’t ask because people won’t see me as a successful business owner” or any variety of these.
In all my years working with clients, I have found successful women ask for what they need. And asking for what they need is what takes them to their next level of success. We all need help at times. It’s why as a money coach, I have a money coach!
Limiting Beliefs And Habits:
For years, I thought I had to have it all together, need no help, be there already because of what I do for a living. Then one day I reflected on how many lives have been impacted through my work over all the years. And how those lives are now better and filled with more ease.
I realized that the level of impact I have has a direct correlation with me growing to each new level personally and professionally. I didn’t have to have it all perfect for clients and others to get great benefits. And I just had to be growing and expanding. New levels take new training, new skills, new thinking, and releasing old limiting beliefs and habits that no longer serve me. This is the downside of independence.
“And since I like math, sometimes that plus is a minus.”
Releasing Money Blocks:
What I’ve found to be true with money is it often takes knowledge or learning, plus something else to enjoy the life you desire and see the bank account balances you know are possible. Since I like math, sometimes that plus is a minus. All too often we add all the things, more knowledge, more skills, more time, more effort, more, more, more.
When what we really need is some less, less, less. Less clutter, less running ourselves ragged, less on the to-do list, less ignoring, less pretending. Releasing the money blocks that are keeping your bank account the same, releasing the stories of not good enough, releasing the judgments and the fears.
Today, right now, take five minutes and see what area in your life needs a little attention. Where could you ask for help to take yourself to the next level of success in your life? Whether that success is a more loving relationship, a happier you, or more financial independence; you deserve to have a life you love!
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About the Author:
Melissa Ternes is a financial empowerment coach, author, serial entrepreneur, wife, dog mom and lover of travel. Melissa is based in Raleigh, North Carolina and when she’s not out speaking or teaching, she’s seeking an adventure on the “pretty blue water” of Belize. You can connect with Melissa on LinkedIn and check-out her website at Master Your Money Now.