Money Thought Leader: Karen McAllister
The Magician tarot card is a powerful archetype that represents the power of the human mind to create and transform.
It is the card of manifestation and possibility. How does this translate or help us manifest money?
My money mentor, Deborah Price, share these tips for becoming a money Magician. And, now I’d love to share them with you all.
Nine Ways To Manifest Money:
- What do you want? It may take time to clarify. Cultivate patience, determination, and consistency. Begin to build that life day by day.
- How do you want money to transform in your life? It is important to know the answer to this question. Otherwise, you cannot expect to manifest it. I encourage you to be very specific.
- What are your internal needs and desires? Work to create a life that reflects who you are.
- Is the reality you seek to transform in alignment with the spiritual truths you value?
- Allow yourself to be guided by insight and revelation. Develop your intuition about money so that you know where to focus your intention. Train yourself not to put time, energy, or money into areas of your life that take you off your path.
- Make decisions and act with integrity regarding money. Only you know your own truth; follow that guidance.
- Ask for what you want and need specifically. Pray for and meditate on receiving all that the Divine Spirit has intended for you.
- Remain detached from the outcome. Trust that you will receive all that serves your highest good and your life purpose. Attachment and clinging is the root of all unhappiness and disappointment.
- Nurture your soul and stay connected to Spirit. Stay plugged into this great power source, and let it guide you on your path.
May you all be very well and happy. And I leave with these words of nourishment for your day as you strive towards your own manifestation of money.
Additional resources can be found in Karen’s bio below.
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About the Author:
Karen has worked with over 100 clients, helping them untangle their money issues and to become more effective in their work because of it. To do this, Karen has studied financial issues extensively from both the practical, behavioral, and the emotional perspectives.
She has been certified by Deborah Price of the Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach, a Couples Money Coach, and a Business Archetype Coach. She has studied with Lynne Twist from the Soul of Money Institute for two years on Mastering your Money and Transforming your Life, including studies in Lynne’s Fundraising from the Heart program. Checkout Karen’s site TheMindfulMoneyCoach. Or, you can email Karen directly at the You are more than welcome to join the Money and Spirituality online course, starting Feb 19th at Noon EST for four Saturdays. Or attend, the FREE WEBINAR: Integrating the Money Shadow in your Spiritual Life, Jan 27th from 11.30 am – 12.30 am or Money & Spirituality: Integrating Spiritual and Material (In-Person & Online), Feb 10 – March 2, 2024 from Noon – 2 pm EST