The One Question To Ask Yourself

The One Question To Ask Yourself

Bethany Clemenson April 2022

Big Life Kuel Life Thought Leader: Bethany Clemenson

When you leave conversations with your friends, do you feel good about what you discussed?

“I began taking steps to change it and one of the first things I did was start asking ONE question.”

Emotional Management:

For years, I didn’t even think about how I felt because I was so used to feeling that way. When I started to work on my thoughts, mindset, and emotional management, I realized that I was spending far too much time focused on things I couldn’t control.

Moreover, I began taking steps to change it and one of the first things I did was start asking ONE question.

Adult Conversations:

In conclusion, over a decade later, these questions help me keep my motive in check. Inside this video you will learn what percentage of adult conversations are considered gossip, the definition of gossip and exactly how to stop it!

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Bethany Clemenson

About the Author:

A little over a decade ago, Bethany found herself in a place where on the outside it looked like she was killing it but on the inside, it was killing her. She had climbed the corporate ladder and was an award-winning leader in the company. She and her husband had built their dream home. They had two healthy children and were financially thriving. Behind the scenes, Bethany worked 80 plus hours a week, was on-call 24/7, and traveled regularly. She and her family were disconnected and she felt exhausted, unfulfilled, resentful, and frustrated. A different path was needed.

Clemenson left her corporate role. Now, as a dual certified coach and international speaker, Bethany serves individuals who are ready for a transition. She guides and supports them to let go of what is not serving them so they can get the results they want and live their Big Life – On Their Terms! Follow Bethany on IG for more uplifting content.

1 Comment

  • What’s your motive? What do you have control over? These are two key questions I teach parents to help them with the relationship with their teen. Appreciate your addressing this.

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