Fashion Kuel Category Expert: Jodie Filogomo
Shopping has been getting a bad rap lately. There are buzz words that are popular now about conscientious shopping, slow fashion and eco friendly. So what’s a girl to do?
Since we are feeling the need to be smarter with our purchases and be responsible with our clothing choices, second hand shopping can be a fulfilling way to shop. As a lover of any kind of shopping, I have learned and shared many tips, tricks, and reasons to try it out and make it fun.
While pre-loved clothing used to be embarrassing and you never wanted to admit you were wearing hand me downs, times have changed. It’s almost a badge of honor to mix and match your thrift buys, or vintage clothing, with the other pieces in your closet.
If you don’t have many second hand stores in your area, whether that be thrift or consignment, don’t give up. There are many online thrift stores including thredUp, Swap, and Poshmark.
Another option is to have a “clothes swap” with friends. Each person brings a certain amount of pieces (and these can be jewelry or accessories too), and then each person takes home the same amount of items. It’s like sharing closets with your closest friends.

Let’s Talk Reasons to Thrift
Sure, there are many reasons, but let me list my favorites – besides the obvious about “saving the planet.”
1-Weight Changes. If you are changing weight, and your current wardrobe doesn’t fit, you need some “temporary” outfits. I’ve heard countless women claim they are not going to spend money on clothes that they won’t wear for a long time. However, the fact is, the better you look, the better you feel. So slumping around in ill fitting clothes is not good for your self confidence.
2-Saving Money. Especially for women on a budget, including those in retirement, it’s less stressful when you haven’t spent as much.
Insider tip: Most thrift stores have special sale days so you can save even more.
3-Finding Your Best Colors. As someone who loves color and doesn’t look good in black, it can be challenging to find “my colors” at certain times of the year. This is because retailers can only supply what has been manufactured. Yet the thrift stores are the perfect place to find out of season colors such as yellow, in the dead of winter.
4-Variety. Just like you can find almost any color at the thrift stores, you can find a larger variety of styles that aren’t available at the retail shops. You want a muumuu for your Hawaii vacation? Don’t laugh, you might be able to pick one up at the thrift store.
5-Trying Something New. Our evolving lifestyle can mean we need an evolving wardrobe. Yet, where to start without spending an arm and a leg? That’s where thrifting is perfect. You can try out new styles and pieces and not feel guilty if they don’t work out.
Insider tip: Don’t be afraid to try those styles or colors you thought you’d NEVER wear. Those can be the best surprises ever.

Tips for the Reluctant Thrift Shopper
1- Take a Friend. A stylish, non biased friend. Why? Because you already know what you like. And that’s what your closet is full of. In fact, you probably already have 5 white blouses, but you’ll pull out another one at the store and think, “hey, I should get this.” Your friend will tell you like it is, and suggest an item that will be something new and interesting in your closet.
2- Don’t be in a Hurry. Sometimes thrifting can be overwhelming. Especially if you’re in a rush. So slow down, and start by just walking around without even looking at specific items. It can give you a feel for the store. And who knows you might find the perfect artwork for your living room?
3- Check All Departments. Sure, you’re a woman so you’re looking in the women’s racks. But there can be just as many treasures in the men’s part of the store.
4- Think Outside the Box. You don’t have to buy the piece for it’s intended purpose. I’ve purchased sweaters, I will never wear, just for the buttons. Or, how about a scarf as a table runner? The ideas are endless.
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About the Author:
Jodie Filogomo is a retired cosmetic dentist who wishes shopping were an Olympic sport. She enjoys an online presence at Jodie’s Touch of Style and on Instagram at @Jtouchofstyle where she works to show “It’s never too late to look great.” Her Arizona journey incorporates her mother who is in her 80’s and good friend who is soon to be 70. In fact, many of the older posts include her stepmom when they were living in Denver.
After joining the Forever Fierce Revolution on Facebook, Jodie has learned how midlife is the best age to be. Our experiences and story is something that we can be proud of, and embracing birthdays start with us!
Just goes to show there’s great shopping out there for any budget! I think this would be a great option for acquiring unique items at a price point that lessens the risk of a one-and-done find. At bargain prices, you’re liberated to try something out of your comfort zone.
I couldn’t agree more Mary!! Besides, I think it’s not so embarrassing anymore. Heck, after we wear our “new” things once, aren’t they preloved??
thanks for joining in,
Jodie, Cute pictures of you!! Love all your reasons to thrift. It’s like a treasure hunt in one location and a great pick-me-up for an otherwise unexciting afternoon. Single digit deals! Much better than the Dollar Tree or Five Below!!!
Single digit deals…I love that term Judy!! I’m totally going to use that.
I love Jodie’s tips. Great article.
Thanks so much Hilda,
These are fantastic tips for thrifting Jodie! The hunting for goodies is half the fun. I love the idea of being creative with what you find. Never thought of using a scarf as a table runner!
It’s amazing how you can use the things you find at thrift stores…I’m sure the scarf as a table runner isn’t an original thought. I’m sure I learned that from one of my smart friends.
Thanks Kathrine,