Top Makeover Tips – Part Two, Makeup And Hairstyle Routine

Top Makeover Tips – Part Two, Makeup And Hairstyle Routine

Tracy Gold March 2022

Fashion Fridays, Kuel Life Thought Leader: Tracy Gold

If you haven’t updated your hair and makeup routine for the last 5 years, then it’s time. Here are some more makeover tips just for you!

“If you need some inspiration, take a look at this video and watch tutorials on YouTube.”

Here are some quick and easy ways to update your makeup and hair style.

Makeup Routine:

  1. Take out all your makeup and separate the products you are using from the products you aren’t.
  2. Of the products you are using, do they still work for your skin as it is now? Does your foundation still give you that natural glow. Does your blush still enhance your natural complexion?
  3. Make a list of the products that you need replacing so you know what to shop for. A great makeover tip is to only have the products you use on hand – that makes it simpler to get ready.
  4. Try various ways of applying your makeup. If you need some inspiration, take a look at this video and watch tutorials on YouTube. There are plenty!  Just applying your mascara differently, or trying a new lip color can make all the difference.

Hair Styling:

  1. Take a look at all the hair styling products and tools you have. Which products and tools make it easier for you to style your hair in the morning? Focus on the ones that work and give away the ones that don’t.
  2. Hair products have come a long way in the last few years, but knowing which products will work for your hair can be a series of expensive trials and errors. I recommend The Theorem Method – if you are interested. They have a 60 day money back guarantee, so there is no risk in trying a few.
  3. What are your main hair concerns? Frizz, hair loss, hair thinning, hard to manage hair? Look for products and styling methods that work for those concerns. A good product or styling technique can make all the difference. Again, YouTube is a great resource for this. 

To see an inspiring style makeover and get some great makeover tips, watch the video.

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Tracy Gold

About the Author:

Television personality, fashion designer and stylist Tracy Gold’s newly launched talk show, Tracy Gold Show, is inspiring women over 40 to look and feel fabulous regardless of age. A born entrepreneur, Tracy has enjoyed success as a fashion designer, YouTube influencer and vetted QVC fashion presenter. After launching her own fashion line in 2003 out of the trunk of her car, Tracy now has a worldwide customer base clamoring for her next TGNY fashion release. A powerful social media influencer, Tracy’s YouTube channel Tracy Gold Fashion Tips has more than 20,000 subscribers with over 2 million views.