Mindful Breathing Category Expert: Nancy Candea
We continue our Wellness Wednesday Mindful Breathing Series. Kuel Life is honored to share Nancy Candea’s talents with our Community. Here is Breath Work Series Part Two.
Nancy will be sharing a series, only on Kuel Life, on breathing techniques. Breathing is a Mindfulness practice and promotes Health! We hope you enjoy this series of simple and effective breathing exercises. Download your quick guide on ways to improve your breath work. If you missed the first one, here it is.
“I always encourage people to stretch out their upper body before they do active breathing practices.”
Stretch Out And Take A Deep Breath:
Our ability to take a deep breath and exhale fully can be affected by the tension held in our torsal. Tight shoulders, spine, ribs, and stress held in our abdominal wall can produce a breath that just adds to our stress level. I always encourage people to stretch out their upper body before they do active breathing practices. You can just make up stretches. Join me on my hammock for some stretching and breathing in Breath Work Series Part Two.
[button text=”Download Wellness Wednesday Breath Work: Part Two” link=”https://eshop.noviitsource.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/original-one.mp4.zip”]
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About the Author:
An activist in the global health revolution, Nancy is committed to practicing the best version of herself every day, and to using her talents to contribute to the upliftment of humankind. Nancy teaches the therapeutic techniques from yoga – like breath work – to help her clients with recovery from addiction, trauma, and chronic pain. You can find out more about Nancy at NancyCandea.com or Nancy Candea on Facebook and Instagram