The Magic of Menopause

The Magic of Menopause

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Upon discovering she was about to be a grandmother, just as menopause and a hysterectomy were at her doorstep, Lorraine Miano decided she needed to turn her healthy lifestyle habits up a notch. She was not going to be a has-been–she was determined to be a will-be! In her book, The Magic of Menopause, Lorraine walks you through what it takes to make lifestyle changes that will set you up to live the rest of your life healthy and happy–at any age! It goes far beyond weight loss and encompasses all of the magical side effects of a healthy life, like fewer wrinkles, glowing skin, fewer aches and pains, and more energy! This book will help guide you through the struggles women face when they begin menopause, and helps you tackle daily changes, such as:*Balancing your hormones holistically*Getting a better night’s sleep*Reducing and/or eliminating hot flashes*Improving libido!*Saying goodbye to anxiety and depression!*Having the party of your life! Resources included!


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“What a fun, refreshing, and joyful take on a time of life that most of us dread. This little gem of a book is peppered with information, tips, and inspiration for any woman who is going through big hormonal changes”.–Sophie Uliano, NY Times Best Selling author of “Gorgeously Green”.

“Inspiring! Lorraine covered all the major issues with menopause simply but with enough detail that women can follow easily. Encouraging positivity and a happy ending is so very important as many menopause women are unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel as they feel so overwhelmed and miserable.  My eldest daughter is now in her very early forties so I will be passing the book for her to read (after my colleagues have had it first!)–Eileen Durward, A Vogel Menopause Expert

“A positive and enjoyable approach to managing the physical and emotional challenges of the menopause transition. Ms. Miano approaches women’s attitudes and adjustments to the physical changes and symptoms of menopause as an exercise in positivity and self-determination.  As the reader is taken on a journey through anxiety, stress, hot flashes, sex and sleep issues, there are many suggestions of philosophical approaches that maximize quality of life.  Ms. Miano artfully weaves descriptions of menopause physiology with women’s personal stories. ” – The North American Menopause Society by Penny Z. Castellano, MD, FACOG, NCMP Associate Director and Chief Medical Officer The Emory Clinic and Emory Specialty Associates, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta GA

“Are you fed up with dealing with hot flashes, night sweats, and roller coaster mood swings and are looking for ways to alleviate those symptoms without hormone therapy?  If so, there’s a new book out there you should read which is called “The Magic of Menopause…A Holistic Guide to Get Your Happy Back!”  The author has written this book with a dash of humor and fun.  This book is loaded with information about menopause and how to deal with symptoms holistically.”-Red Hot 

“I particularly enjoyed Lorraine’s storytelling which I think is missing in many of the books on menopause. Many other books have been fact heavy and feel dry ‘excuse the pun!’ which makes them hard going when your menopause brain can’t concentrate. As well as the stories Lorraine has included case studies which again helps the reader connect to the book. Women going through the menopause often feel confused and alone. When reading this book you feel relieved that you’re not the only one feeling like you are losing your mind. I highly recommend Lorraine’s book. I feel a woman going through the turbulent times of menopause would find it educational, practical and do-able. “-Tanith Lee,


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